Wildlife Photography in the American West. Photography Safari Guide in the American West.
I've spent my entire life photographing the wildlife of the American West. My first article and photos were published in 1985, and since then I've had over a thousand magazine/newspaper photo credits and thousands of fine art sales. I've led over 400 photo safaris throughout the west - from Glacier NP in the north to Laredo, TX in the south. From Colorado's San Juan Mountains and New Mexico's Bosque del Apache west to the California Coast - and everything in-between.
While I was born and raised in California, and live here now (Tulare) - I've lived in Montana, Colorado, and Utah (28 years). I'm probably best known for leading Yellowstone National Park/Grand Teton National Park photo safaris, as well as the bobcat and black bear photo safaris I lead here in central California. I'm at my best in the field, where thousands of days of shooting and tens of thousands of wildlife encounters, have given me a unique education in wildlife photography tactics and techniques. I guide for foreign safari groups as well.