Plein Air & impressionism Oil Paintings. Commission paintings.
I was introduced to California plein air impressionism in the year 2000. Through observing many plein air demonstrations I picked up the style and ran with it. Besides the demos I was pretty much self-taught and did not take workshops. The journey to paint in this style has been exhausting and exhilarating; it never ceases to amaze me with each created piece. As I have painted plein air for twenty + years now and hundreds of paintings later, I find my personal style has developed. I do base most of my plein air excursions in the state of California because it is a state full of beauty, surprises and unlimited subject matter.
When I paint in this great state, I stand before my scene like a music conductor commanding all the energy within me to pull off a song on canvas. It is a one time performance utilizing hundreds of instruments in my mind and hands. Once complete, I know I can never recreate that piece exactly the same. Nature is ever so fleeting. That's plein air in its pure essence. A moment of light, shadows, shapes, lines, colors and emotions captured on a surface in a harmonic melody that hits the heart of the viewer.