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VIEW Painting Academy by French Escapade, LLC

Online and Plein Air Painting Workshops

French Escapade, LLC

Online Virtual Interactive Painting Workshops and Plein Air Workshops.

We has been organizing Painting Holidays in Europe (France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland...) and the USA (Santa Barbara, San Francisco...) for over 16 years.  We now also organize V.I.E.W., our Virtual Interactive Escapade Workshops for you to travel and paint in the comfort and safety of your home. Instructed by internationally acclaimed artists, our V.I.E.W.s are led by trained hosts who allow instructor to focus on the class and its students. Small group for easy feedback.

V.I.E.W.  by French Escapade, LLC are virtual interactive online workshops  in small group of maximum 16 people where everybody gets feedback from the instructors and feels part of a congenial, creative, learning  group led by internationally acclaimed artists.