Painting - Pastel
I was born and raised in the Susquehanna valley of Pennsylvania and have always, even at young age, been interested in art. I started my art career creating interesting pencil drawings of animals that I then tried to sell on the street to those passing by. This career began at about the ripe old age of 6. Having not had much luck at this career, I eventually went to school and entered the work force as an IT person. Programming and repairing computers was my life and due to life and circumstances I returned to my first love, art, at the tender age of 53; Second childhood? I'm in my 60s now and I am again trying to sell my art to those passing by (with a bit more success)!!
My return to creating art was thanks to the kind instruction of my mentor and friend Phyllis Disher Fredericks (www.phyllisdisherfredericks.com) who introduced me to pastels!! The love affair with art began again! I have been in numerous group and juried exhibits at various venues and at the York Art Association where I continue my education and membership. I was accepted as a juried associate member of the prestigious Pastel Society of America and I am also a member of the Maryland Pastel Society. Many of my works have been accepted into juried exhibitions across the country.