Portraits of Love Ones - People or Pets (Acrylic and Watercolor). Contemporary Subjects for Commission Work as well.
Kim was born in California and currently resides in Dana Point, Ca, a beautiful seaside town that has inspired artists for decades. It is here that Kim continues her life long journey in the arts, brushes firmly grasped, paints shimmering in the coastal light. Kim grew up in a family of talented artists, each contributing their own vision to Kim’s expanding pallet of skills.
Kim was hooked at a very early age. Drawing and painting became second nature. In high school she took every art class available and her success there prompted her to attend the most prestigious art college in the nation, Art Center College of Design in Pasadena. It was in Art Center that Kim was introduced to the commercially viable side of art, and once she hit the open market her newly honed graphic skills landed her smack center of the computer graphics boom of the mid 1980s.
Kim prospered in the multimedia interactive computer art environment and by 1995 she opened her own Interactive multimedia firm, creating everything from website applications, videos, producing Corporate event meetings, marketing programs, to e-Learning modules. But always present in Kim’s work was her passion for the ability of art itself to help communicate complex concepts through well thought out, well-designed visuals, within every interactive Multimedia project she touched. Her art-sense shines through all her work.
After selling her company and moving to Orange County, California, Kim returned to her family roots and once again picked up her brushes. With the trying, high-pressure days of commercial art behind her, she has focused on the more sublime aspects of art. With incredible deftness of hand Kim is able to capture the fleeting emotions of her subjects with the arduous demands of watercolor and acrylics, be they humans or animals.
Kim’s inquisitive eye seeks out and captures a wistful moment receiving First Communion, or the most gleeful glance of a jumping Dachshund. She is available for commission work and her client’s have stated that her work looks better than the photographs.
International associations and galleries have taken notice, though she has only recently rejoined the fine arts world in the past four years. Her International Award Winning Art is featured in North Light Books’ hardbound showcase of the best of the best in contemporary acrylic- AcrylicWorks. Her work is currently showcased at Laguna Art Gallery/ Artist Studio. This past summer she participated as an Artist in the summer long ArtAFair and her work was also shown in the Las Laguna Fine Art Gallery in Laguna Beach, The Pet Art Show at the Fallbrook Library in, and The Fallbrook Brandon Gallery was showing a full portfolio of her work until it closed earlier in the year. She is also a member of the Dana Point Fine Art Association and will be a featured artist at the ArtAFair 2020.