Painting (acrylic landscapes and abstract works) and Collage Portraits
My visual art practice spans thirty years. I also hold degrees in education, library science and law. My artwork has been exhibited in Canada and the U.S., in private , public and online galleries, and I have earned numerous awards. In recent years several art and literature journals have published my art images. Some of these are Split Rock Review, Cosumnes River Journal, Beyond Words Literary Magazine, 805Lit + Art, Mud Season Review, The Esthetic Apostle, Glassworks Magazine, The Scriblerus, High Shelf Press, and Art Ascent : Art & Literature Journal (Gold Artist award, August 2018; Bronze Artist Award, April 2019; Distinguished Artist Award, January 2020). I am an elected member of the Society of Canadian Artists and the Colour and Form Society.
ARTIST STATEMENT: My art practice includes both painting and collage. I enjoy moving back and forth between these two media, and the work I produce in each is vastly different from the other. Putting on these different art "hats" generates a satisfying synergy. Each requires its unique processes and logistics. Landscapes and abstracts are inspired by just about any subject from the glamorous to the mundane. Beach debris in a tidal pool has given rise to a seascape. An abstract is often inspired by a song. My collages are inspired by women's stories through various decades. They are visual anecdotes which I try to "narrate" with humour and empathy, using handcut paper applied to canvas or wood panels.
My collage portraits are inspired by individual women. They are essentially paintings made with paper.
When asked what it is that has addicted me to creating collages, I respond that collage is a throwback to my childhood when I spent much of my time in my paper doll universe. There I could direct the lives of my paper people. This is much the same. Now it makes sense.