
Pet Painting Showcase – Call for Entries

Call for Entries

Pet Painting Showcase

No Deadline for Entries:

Your entries will be added to the ongoing showcase.

Open to All Artists worldwide

* Entry fee: $40 - for each set of 3 images 
   (You may enter as many entries as you want anytime.)
   For OC Art Guide members: the entry fee for the first 3 images is waived - click here for membership info

* Equine paintings and digital paintings are also accepted.

Showcase Entry Procedure

Step 1.

Please fill out and submit the Showcase Entry Form below.

Drop your file here or click here to upload
At least 1200 px for each side
File size - 10 MB max.

Please include title, medium, size and price if for sale.

Drop your file here or click here to upload
At least 1200 px for each side
File size - 10 MB max.

Please include title, medium, size and price if for sale.

Drop your file here or click here to upload
At least 1200 px for each side
File size - 10 MB max.

Please include title, medium, size and price if for sale.

Step 2

Please make your showcase entry fee payment.

Pet Painting Showcase Entry Fee - $40

- for each set of 3 images

For OC Art Guide members: the entry fee for the first 3 images is waived - click here for membership info

Once we have received your showcase entry form and entry fee payment, we'll send you a confirmation email shortly.